In my head

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Talking Ben

10:25 PM | 0 ELSA(s)

salam and hye !!
sorry sgt2 coz lama gler biarkan blog ni berhabuk.. busy sgt2.. smntara free ni, aq luangkan lha masa dgn membersihkan habuk di blog ni.. actually aq nk cer pasal ehem2 lha.. hihi
nk tw x, aq ad minat someone dowh at cini.. dy nsem and cute sgt2.. but , dy tua lha.. haha..
xsilap aq lha , dy ni part 2..  aq mula minat dy since terjumpa dgn dy time nk p terawih.. dy tegor kitorang , then dy senyum.. oh !! so sweet !! i love his smile !!  cute sgt2.. his smile tu yg boleh buat gurls cair..
then , td an time balik dr koko terserempak lg babe dgn that boy.. oh gosh !! i don't know how to say..  perghh !!! oh ya , sebut pasal minat ni , aq hanya minat je ye.. bkn suka or tergila2 at that boy tu.. just minat dgn his smile je.. hehe.. ya Allah !! gatalnya aq.. >,<  .. ya Allah sufiah !! ap nk jd dgn ko ni !! oh no !! please stop dreaming!!  and ag satu , aq ad minat juga at abg senior ni , dy part 5.. but , dy lg handsome dr budak part 2 tu.. haha.. suka tgk mata abg part 5 tu.. mata dy wrna hazel.. cntik sgt2!! subhanallah !! indah sungguh ciptaan mu Tuhan !! da lha handsome lps tu bawak moto kawasaki plak tu.. oh !! memang tak lha an.. ramai babe dak2 part 1 minat at abg tu..  stiap kali npk abg tu , dorg mesti terjerit2 mcm ltgk artis je gamaknya.. haha..  xly bla siot !! oh Tuhan !! khdpn U ni mmg indah but penuh dgn cbrn.. i'll enjoy campus life!!


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